IT service providers can offer many useful solutions to your business needs. Regardless of the size and developmental state of your company there comes a time when considerations must be made to either handle all IT operations using valuable company resources, or to utilize the specialties of an IT service provider. To make this consideration from an analytical standpoint it is important to understand the reasons and benefits behind making the decision to outsource your IT operations to a service provider.
MicroTech Systems IT Service Blog
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Posts about Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery (2):
Image Based Vs. File Based Backups
What’s the difference? Let’s take a look. A file based backup will back up the file, for example, the Word or Excel file. So, when it is time to restore you can restore that file. An image based backup, backs up the entire hard drive underneath the file level at which point have two options. First, you can access the image and still restore a single Word or Excel file. Second, you can restore the entire computer in the exact state it was in at the time of the backup. Let’s expand on this a bit.